This is only a brief comparison of English with other languages, not a complex one. 1. Endings Unlike words in some other languages, English words do not have a lot of different endings. Nouns take s in the plural ( miles ), but they do not have endings to show whether they are subject or object. Verbs take a few endings such as ed for the past ( started ), but they do not take endings for person, except in the third person singular of the present tense ( it starts ). Articles (e.g. the ), Possessives (e.g. my ) and adjectives (e.g. good ) do not have endings for number or gender. Pronouns (e.g. lime ) have fewer forms than in many languages. 2. Word order Word order is very important in English. As nouns do not have endings for subject or object, it is the word order that shows which is which. Subject - Verb - Object The woman loved the man. (She loved him.) The man loved the woman. (He loved her.) The subject-verb order is fixed, and we can change it only if there is a spec...