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Showing posts from February, 2024

Download Teacher Education in the Nordic Region

 There is a long history of trade and communication between the inhabitants of the northwest corner of Europe and other regions of the world. While the Vikings' raids and invasions caused fear throughout portions of Europe, the northerners eventually adopted the ideals of the rest of Europe as a result of Christianization. Several societies' social structures were impacted by the international Catholic church. Originally, priestly training was supplied via schools in the Nordic region. The Reformation significantly reduced the Church's worldwide power. Social authorities imposed a new educational paradigm in the 18th century: public education became required for all students. This public school promoted reading and deepened students' understanding of Christianity. Gradually, the notion surfaced that schools need to accomplish more than only disseminating Christian doctrine; the necessity of teacher education was acknowledged as an inevitable byproduct. The extension of ...

Jasa Publikasi Jurnal Sinta 4 Fast Track (LoA satu Minggu)

  Kami benar-benar menyadari kebutuhan Anda akan publikasi jurnal Sinta 4 yang cepat dan mudah diakses. Selain itu, impian semua orang adalah berhasil menerbitkan naskah di jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Sinta 4. Saat ini, sangat sulit untuk menemukan lokasi publikasi jurnal Sinta 4 yang mudah dan dapat diterbitkan dalam waktu dekat. Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena kami disini untuk membantu Anda dengan cara terbaik. Kami memiliki beberapa tim yang masing-masing memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa dalam bidang mereka. Dengan bantuan kami, penerbitan naskah jurnal di jurnal nasional Terakreditasi Sinta 4 menjadi kenyataan.  Kami (La Academic) merupakan perbantuan publikasi ilmiah yang dapat ditemui langsung secara online (daring) ataupun offline. Mengapa lebih memilih Sinta 4. LoA tervalidasi, terdaftar pada ristekdikti. Berikut daftar jurnal yang kami sudah memiliki rekanan atau bahkan sebagai reviewer: IJISRT - Reviewer Dan Lain-Lain yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan Kami...

Download Robotic Surgery of Colon and Rectum

2014 saw the publication of the first Italian Society of Surgery Biennial Report, which covered the broad uses and issues of robotics in general surgery. Over the course of these nearly ten years, advancements in robotic surgery and the fine-tuning of corresponding technological steps have led to significant advancements in the fields of thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic surgery. This is particularly true for robotic colorectal surgery, which is why it seemed important to publish a new book on the topic. I am profoundly grateful to prominent authorities on robotic surgery, Graziano Ceccarelli and Andrea Coratti, for publishing this superb monograph that brings us up to date on this subject. The volume's editors and authors cover every facet of robotic colorectal surgery in its 25 chapters, from the advancement of technology to the creation of colorectal resections. They pay close attention to the costs, learning curves, training, and cost-effectiveness of the various techniques. The ...